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​The closest interpretation of the word  â€‹POETRY â€‹

is "the production of a poet".​

It's an artform which squirms under examination – it thumbs it's nose at rules, refuses the comfort and safety of labels, and invites the unknown in for living room dance parties. 


​Verballistics: is a publishing endeavor which, like poetry itself, defies definition. â€‹â€‹

We believe that life is poetry, and we are all poets.  We promote work which blends the lines between art and literature, and pushes the boundaries of traditional publishing.  Our contributors have a message to share with the world - whether it's a shout from the mountaintops, or a whispered secret which somehow cradles the universal in us all. We are devoted to the artistry of language. We celebrate the experimental. We honor the linguistic lexicon, and the vernacular virtuoso.


​We'd love to help you Get Verbal!

We publish a monthly newsletter and quarterly 'zine intended to spark individual expression. We print essays on technology and social behavior, poems written by grandmothers who could crochet doilies in the trenches of chaos, the heartfelt declarations of lovestruck teenagers, laundry lists, graffiti art, lyrics, flash fiction, and pictures of goats in trees.  It's all poetry.  This is not your froufrou, rhyming, we-love-puppies-and-roses kind of stuff (though we also love puppies and roses).  We're here to do things that haven't been done.  We value the innovative, the absurd, the vocal, the skewed. We like our words ripe with meaning, sweetened with perspective, seasoned with life experience, and half-baked.   


We know you have something to say to the world.  Our intention is to provide a platform for wordsmiths and artists who defy definition – to showcase the individual and the unique. To forge the raging river dividing the written and the visual forms, surpass the public perspective of poetry, and stake our conquering flag in unknown territory.



​We're out to win the world. â€‹

Join us, and we'll (verb) (adjective) (noun)(s) everywhere!​


Know Us

Verballistics is an independently published literary 'zine, with a flair for the presentation of innovation. We're a collection of poetic mercenaries, out to win the world with words!


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Most of our content is contributed by our readers, and we'd like to keep it that way! Get published - and receive a FREE digital subscription - click below!


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